Gustavo Riestra
My name is Gustavo Riestra Menéndez, but everyone calls me “Gus”.
I am 22 years old and since I can remember I have always liked cartoons. The word"caricature"is curious, for some reason my sister thought that it rhymed perfectly with
Riestra when he came up with the artistic name that I always use when I draw a drawing:"CaricatuRiestra".
For me the most important thing has always been love. I believe that it is the most powerful force that has ever existed and will continue to exist in this world. I was born on September 18, 1997, just the same day my grandfather died, only a few years before. These kinds of coincidences have led me to believe that this life is to be enjoyed, perhaps it is a message from my grandfather. That is why I always try to live my life savoring every step I take. Whether in the format of a person I know, movie, laugh, song, book, kiss, food, hug.
They are stories that inspire me, like Salvador Dalí, Laika the dog or the one about the friend I met a few days ago.
I call each one of these moments or stories"Psychedelia", and not because of the beautiful and striking colors, but because of the stories that must come out and must be shouted at the top of their lungs. They deserve it and maybe someone outside deserves to hear it.
I do not expect drawings to change someone's life, but who says that a drawing cannot teach us something?
Welcome to my world.
Here you can check more of my works:
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