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Sebastian Garcia

I am a Mexican-American artist studying engineering.

Knowing how to use both sides of the brain is something that defines me as a person and as an artist.

The intellectual side of my brain is fascinated by learning about everything. Be it physics, biology, a new language, or even sports statistics. This "skill" lends itself to the creative side because it encourages me to want to learn new ways of expressing myself, especially in drawing.
This is why I do not have any style that defines me as such, if not that I have learned several styles that I incorporate in my drawings and paintings.

The people who have inspired me the most are Instagram artists like @conradoalmada, @oldesoul, @ blindfish1 and @noelbadgespugh.

However, despite this lack of style definition, the inspiration for everything I do is the same: ordinary life and how to make it extraordinary. Whether it is someone sitting on the bus on the way to work, some landscape or other mattercorny Whatever you can think of, I always try to represent it in some unique and out of the ordinary way.

Whether in the drawing, in the kitchen or in the way I dress, I always try to add a touch of Sebastian, that although many see him as strange, I see it as necessary.o.

Another thing that inspires me a lot is music. Everything that I cannot communicate with words (which is a lot), I can communicate to the world with drawing and music. And like drawing, I don't have any favorite genre because I like everything, it just depends on my mood that day.

My designs will give you an idea of who I am and give you a tour of my personality. I cannot assure you that they will be casual or normal designs, but what I do promise is that they will always be well done.

Welcome to my world.


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